A Look Into Our Classrooms

- Transition to Abstract Thinking: Our classrooms foster academic knowledge and skills while nurturing a love for learning, supporting children as they transition from concrete to abstract thinking.
- Age-Appropriate Learning: Our program recognizes the developmental needs of three-year-olds and four-year-olds, providing a supportive environment for them to consciously absorb information, explore their interests, and engage in academic work.
- Sensitive Period for Math: Our teachers create an environment rich in opportunities for children to develop mathematical skills and independence, being attentive to the sensitive period for math that occurs around the age of four.

1. Toddlers as Natural Explorers and Concrete Thinkers
Toddlers have a natural inclination to explore their environment and learn through concrete experiences. They absorb information unconsciously as they watch, listen, and learn from their surroundings.
2. Focusing on Self-Help Skills and Environment
In our Toddler classrooms, we prioritize teaching self-help skills and how to function in an environment. Our teachers serve as role models, demonstrating appropriate behaviors for the children to emulate.
3. Rich Opportunities for Exploration and Independence
Our prepared environment is designed to provide rich opportunities for exploration and hands-on learning. Toddlers are empowered to develop independence and confidence as they engage in activities and tasks on their own.

1. Smooth Transition from Home to Montessori Classroom
We understand the importance of a smooth transition for babies from home to the Montessori classroom. Our approach is to follow the lead of parents, working collaboratively to ensure a positive and comfortable transition for the child.
2. Rich Materials for Sensory and Motor Development
Our classrooms are equipped with a rich array of materials designed to stimulate and support babies' sensory and motor development. These materials are carefully selected to promote visual, hand coordination, and movement skills in a nurturing environment.
3. Language Development through Books and Songs
We prioritize language development in our Montessori classrooms for babies. Books and songs are used as powerful tools to foster language skills, creating a nurturing relationship between the child, teachers, and the learning environment.